Sophia Extreme Guide

Party mechanics 

Tank mechanics

Healer mechanics

Quasar 1 - Promimity based AoEs

Stack at north to bait meteors after Ultimate

The scales will not tilt

If the boss is under 75%, Thunder II and second Quasar

Quasar 2 - Scale Tip and Charge

Stand at very edge for tilt

Sophia will appear east/west for charge, dodge her

Main tank will NOT stack with party b/c Thunder II (Cleave)

Move Sophia to middle of area, and face her south.

Sin and Pushishment (Black and White Circles)(This will skip if boss is at 67%.)

White Aura (Heavey Room Wide AoE)

Four Shadows

White Aura (Heavy Room Wide AoE)

Thunder III (Donut)

Aero III 

Green Aura. Tank Buster


White Aura (Heavy Room Wide AoE)

Green Aura. Tank Buster

Quasar 3 - Scale Tip and Beam

Must determine strict or loose tilt. 

Meteor Math

Equation Total Answer
1 Blue / 4 Orange 3 Orange / 4 Orange Difference of 1 , Loose tilt
2 Blue / 3 Orange 6 Orange / 3 Orange Difference of 3, it is a strict tilt. (The max difference is 2, this is an example.)
1 Blue with 1 Orange / 3 Orange 4 Orange / 3 Orange Difference of 1, Loose tilt

Odd number = Loose Tilt

Even number = Strict Tilt

Loose Tilt - Stack on a "nipple" to avoid different mechanics.
Strict Tilt - Stack at the very edge.

Daughter will appear north/south and cast wide beam.

Thunder III (Donut)

Tank Buster > Tank swap at charging animation to avoid death. Hold until next tank buster

Quasar 4 - Scale Tip, Beam and Charge

Determine strict or loose tilt.

Daughter appears on north/south to cast wide beam.

Sophia appears in any four corner on east/vest to dash.

White Aura (AoE)

Tank Buster > Tank swap during charging animation to avoid death. Hold until next tank buster.

Thunder II (Cleave)

Sin & Punishment (Black and White Circles)


Shalli with Flar
Reia & Alti
Seren & Tacos
Luca & ?

Daughter Spawns (Knockback) right after S&P mechanic.

Move quickly to avoid falling.

Tank Buster > Tank swap during charging animation to avoid death. Hold until next tank buster.

Quasar 5 - Scale Tip and Black/White Circles

Telos (Four Shadows)

White Aura (AoE)

Tank Buster > Tank swap during charging animation to avoid death. Hold until next TB.

Thunder II (Cleave) Tethers one Shadow. Take note of the shadow.

Aoe III (Tethers 3 Shadow)

Quasar 6 - Proximity Based AoEs, Black&White Circles, Tank Buster & Execution

White Aura (Room wide aoe)

Tank Buster > Tank swap during charging animation to avoid death. Hold until next TB.


White Aura (Room AOE)

Tank Buster > Tank swap during charging animation to avoid death. Hold until next TB.

Thunder II (Cleave)

Sin and Punishment (Black/White Circles)

Daughter Spawns (Knockback) Move to a safe location

Tank Buster

Boss should be dead by now.

Rough Sophia Extreme Timeline [Work in Progress] 

0:09 Thunder II
0:17 Gnosis
0:33 Aion Teleos
0:37 Thunder III/Thunder II
0:43 Aero III
0:51 Execute casting
0:57 Execute ends
# (Skips Tankbuster at around 82%)
1:01 Tank Buster

-Add Phase-

1:01 Cloudy Heavens
1:12 Line AoE
1:13 Vertical Kenoma
1:14 Divine Spark
1:19 Ring of Thorns
1:26 Vertical Kenoma
1:31 Gnostic Rant (drg's 300 degree cleave. get behind it!)
1:39 Vertical Kenoma
1:47 Infusion (pld's charge)
1:21 The Scales of Wisdom

-Phase 2-

0:00 (Becomes Targetable)
0:06 Quasar casting(ground meteor AoE, no sliding)
0:09 Quasar
0:16 Thunder II
0:22 Quasar (Tethers appear)
0:33 Scale Sliding + Sophia Divebomb

-Phase 3-

0:47 Dischordant Damnation casting (Black/White)
0:52 Dischordant Damnation ends
0:53 Cintamani
0:55 Cintamani

(Skips to here if pushed to under 67%?)

1:02 Aion Teleos
1:04 Cintamani
1:06 Cintamani
1:08 Cintamani
1:10 Thunder III
1:16 Aero III
1:26 Tank Buster
1:35 Execute casting (Daughter teleports)
1:41 Execute Ends + Daughter Beam
1:51 Cintamani
1:53 Cintamani
1:55 Cintamani
1:58 Tank Buster
2:04 Quasar (Tethers appear)
2:15 Scale Sliding + Daughter Beam

-Phase 4- (repetition starts here)

2:27 Thunder III/Thunder II/Aero III
2:35 Tank Buster
2:41 Quasar (Tethers appear)
2:49 (Sophia appears for Divebomb)
2:52 Scale Sliding + Daughter Beam + Sophia Divebomb

-Phase 5-

3:07 Cintamani
3:09 Cintamani
3:11 Cintamani
3:14 Tank Buster
3:21 thunder II
3:29 Dischordant Damnation casting
3:32 (Daugheter Teleports)
3:34 Dischordant Damnation ends
3:38 Gnosis